How to Consciously Evolve

Break free from your patterns. Awaken to your true nature. Step into unconditional happiness, emotional freedom and inner peace.


How to Consciously Evolve

Break free from your patterns. Awaken to your true nature. Step into unconditional happiness, emotional freedom and inner peace.


I spent my entire life imagining that one day, when I had everything I ever wanted — then I would be happy. 

But you don’t want to do all the things they say *you need* to do:

But you don’t want to do all the things they say *you need* to do:

That once I had the success, the financial abundance or the special relationship, I would finally feel free.

But then one day, I looked around and I noticed that I had all of the things I once wanted... and I still wasn’t happy.

That in fact, it didn't matter where I was or what was happening — because I lived in a constant state of stress, fear and negativity.

And though this was incredibly hard to admit and see, it helped me to realize the most beautiful thing:

That it wasn’t my life situation that was creating my suffering — it was me.

It was the fact that:

  • I wasn’t able to see that my stressful thoughts were just thoughts — so I continually believed them and perceived them as the ultimate truth

  • I didn’t know how to master my own mind — so I projected worry, fear and worst-case scenarios onto the future and every situation

  • I never fully processed the pain from my past — so I tried to avoid situations that would trigger it, therefore, hindering my personal growth and freedom

  • I was overwhelmed by certain sensations and emotions — so I habitually lashed out at Life and other people

  • I only felt good, safe, happy and free if everything in my physical experience was exactly how I needed it to be 

And for the very first time, I understood that nothing “out there” was going to change any of that.

So I decided to take the physical world off of the pedestal and focus on what I really wanted and what was truly important to me: liberating myself from my past, my pain, my patterns and my programming so I could be free.

And now, inside of How to Consciously Evolve, I’m teaching you how to break free from your patterns and awaken to your true nature, too — so you can experience the peace, love, joy and freedom you were always meant to.

  • Quiet your mind, break free from past and future and live deeply in the present moment

  • Liberate yourself from the thoughts that are creating stress and suffering

  • Master your mind and move beyond worry, fear and negative thinking

  • Overcome your triggers and unlock true emotional freedom

  • Release the unprocessed pain that’s been slowing you down, holding you back and keeping you stuck in the same limiting experiences

  • Let go of your blockages, align with the flow of life and tap into a deep, inner peace no matter what is or isn’t happening

  • Stop attaching your happiness to external things and cultivate true joy within your own being

  • Use challenges as a pathway to grow, evolve and become more free

  • Develop an unwavering compassion for yourself and all beings — and as a result, contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious existence for all of humanity

If You're Ready to:

This program will serve you so deeply.

"Working with Kristina completely transformed how I experience life. I was unknowingly stuck in my mind, imprinted and coded from past experiences and living life on repeat in patterns that weren’t serving me. I was living life so small compared to the beautiful, expansive, full of love and light experience that I’m expanding into now. This isn’t a one and done — it’s a way of choosing to be your most powerful, joyful, vibrant, vulnerable self in each moment and showing grace to yourself and others through it all. Immensely appreciative of the energy and guidance Kristina shares. One of the best, lasting impact investments I’ve ever made."


And I’m a writer, speaker and thought leader in the personal development space who’s obsessed with helping you break free from your self-created suffering.

Why am I so passionate about this work, you ask?

Because for most of my life, it hurt just to exist. 

I struggled with everything from anxiety and PTSD to mental illness and suicidal depression — and it wasn’t until I saw the link between the pain I was experiencing and the relationship that I had with my own mind that I was truly able to find peace.

Since coming to this realization almost fifteen years ago, I’ve been on a continual journey of transcending all that Life has caused me to become so I can be who I really am and who I came to this planet to be: someone who is deeply in love, wildly alive, unconditionally happy and eternally free.

And while the patterns of my mind are still present, I can honestly say that they no longer have power or control over me.

That they no longer determine who I am, how I feel or what’s possible for me.

And this is the most beautiful thing.

And now, I’m on a mission to teach this work to as many people as possible so that together, we can create a planetary shift in consciousness. 

So that together, we can create a more peaceful, loving and harmonious existence for all of humanity.

Because I deeply love and adore people — and I believe that if more of us knew how to liberate ourselves from our conditioned identity, we’d be living in a much different reality.

And I’m here to usher this new paradigm into being.

The information inside of this program has completely changed and continues to change my life each day  — and I can't wait for it to change your life, too.

If you desire to experience more peace, more ease, more joy and more freedom, not later, but right now — all by growing, healing and evolving as a being — I’d be honored to have you inside of HTCE!

meet the modules

Module One: Awakening to Reality

In this transmission, I’m helping you step out of the incessant stream of thinking so you can experience the unfiltered truth of reality — which is just this moment. You’ll learn how to use your entire life as a moving meditation so you can ground yourself into the present moment as a way of being and breathing – and, how to shake yourself awake once you’ve fallen asleep to your mind and come back to the eternal now.

Module Two: Moving Beyond Ego

In this transmission, I’m teaching you how to recognize, witness and actively dismantle this false, mind-made self so you can start awakening to your authentic nature — which is pure consciousness — and experience life beyond the filter of your past, your pain, your patterns and your programming. You’ll learn what ego is, where it comes from, how to become intimately aware of its presence and of course, how to break free of it. Not once and for all— but again and again each moment it arises.

Module Three: Breaking Free

Inside this transmission, I’m teaching you how to liberate yourself from the thoughts that are creating stress, fear and suffering so you can wake up to the perfection of this moment beyond your stories and fall in love with what is, exactly as it is, beyond your judgments and resistance. Suffering begins in the mind — and freedom begins the moment you learn how to take your power back from the mind. This is the powerful work we’re doing together here.

Module Four: Mastering Your Mind

Inside this transmission, I’m teaching you how to become the master of your mind so you can transcend the fears that are slowing you down and holding you back. So you can break free from worry and negative thinking and meet the present moment through the eyes of clarity, calm, peace and power.

Module Five: Overcoming Your Triggers

In this transmission, I'm teaching you how to master your emotions and overcome your triggers so you can interact with Life from your most grounded, balanced and empowered state. And of course, so you can experience emotional freedom in any and every situation.

Module Six: Processing Your Emotional Pain

In this transmission, I’m teaching you how to sit with, honor, process and consciously release the stored emotional pain from your past experiences that are keeping you from meeting Life with a quiet mind and an open, surrendered heart.  

Module Seven: Releasing Resistance and Living from a Surrendered State

In this transmission, I’m teaching you how to drop your resistance, release your inner blockages and align with the flow of Life so you can tap into unconditional happiness and peace — no matter what is or isn’t happening in your physical experience.

Module Eight: Letting Go of Attachment and Cultivating Joy from Within

In this transmission, I'm teaching you how to break free from the illusory idea that one day, when you have this or that, then you'll be happy and free. Because you don’t have one day. You have here. You have now. And right here, right now, you can feel how you want to feel and be who you want to be — independent of everything. And in fact, you can consciously generate the energies and states of being you wanted to feel from obtaining these external things. Which is what we're going to dive into here.

Module Nine: Challenges as a Pathway to Freedom

In this transmission, I’m teaching you how to navigate challenging situations from a place of presence so you can use whatever's happening as a pathway to greater growth, freedom and inner peace. So you can respond to whatever happens from the truth of who you really are instead of what your past has conditioned you to be.

Module Ten: Embodying Compassion and Forgiveness 

In this transmission, I’m teaching you how to let go of perceived past hurts and grievances so you can  experience more peace and freedom now — and, learn how to embody compassion and forgiveness for yourself and all beings moving forward. Because once you understand the basic dysfunction of the mind and all of the pain it creates for yourself, you’ll understand that even the people you perceived to have hurt you were doing the best they could from their level of consciousness. With this awareness comes deep healing and inner peace. This is also the beginning of a more harmonious, loving and conscious world for all of humanity.

  • Getting caught in the same stressful thoughts and perceiving them as the ultimate truth to being able to allow of my thoughts to freely pass through

  • Avoiding or drowning in my emotions to being able to navigate them masterfully and with ease

  • Projecting worry, fear and negative outcomes onto every situation to living deeply and completely in the present moment and relating to whatever happens from a place of neutrality

  • Trying to avoid certain situations so they didn't trigger my pain to meeting Life with a wide, open heart

  • Attaching my happiness to external events, outcomes and manifestations to finding true joy and satisfaction within myself

  • Holding onto grievances towards those I imagined hurt me to developing an unwavering compassion for all humans

  • Living as the person Life had conditioned me to become to being the person I really am and came here to be: Someone who chooses to live awake, happy and free

Where will they take you?

The                inside took me from:



“It’s so cool and magical to feel at peace with my life and with myself. Even so much different than just a few DAYS ago. Things that had been controlling me for YEARS no longer seem to have a hold on me — and it’s happened in such a short amount of time. This work has made such a difference in my life.”


What I love about How to Consciously Evolve is that the work inside of this program is truly unique.

Inside, you won't find the traditional self-help practices that are commonly taught in the personal development space. (You know, the ones that look good on paper, but have never actually moved the needle.)

We won't be revisiting the conceptual past or reprogramming your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.

Instead, I'm teaching you how to transcend the conditioned past as it arises in the present moment so you can experience true freedom and peace.

Not later, not tomorrow, not someday down the line, but here, now and repeatedly.

And when you do fall asleep to the mental-emotional patterns that have been stunting your growth and hindering your peace (because it is of course, going to happen!) you'll have the tools to shake yourself awake and continually set yourself free.

You also have lifetime access to the content inside, so you can go deeper into this work during every moment, cycle and season of your journey.

What makes HTCE so special?

"I am an entirely different person after doing this work. Like, I feel new. I am new. I know who I am and I don’t have to think about it. And when the doubts, limits and fears come up, I have way more confidence and it’s way less of a big deal. It’s wild. Kristina’s work changes my life every single day I plug into it, which is actually most days.”


You’re committed to your victim mentality and perceived limitations

You don't actually want to do the deep, deep work that's required to grow and evolve as a being

You’re unwilling to take full-blown ownership for how you've been creating your own suffering

You’re primarily focused on creating your ideal life instead of creating a life of true and lasting peace

You’re looking for short-term results instead of the tools that will help you continually expand over your entire life

this course is


You have an open mind and are interested in taking in new information, teachings, practices and ways of being

You've been doing the personal development work for a while, but deep down, you're still the same person, getting caught in the same loops and you're ready to break free

You’re fully willing to look at how you’ve been showing up, how you’ve been moving and who you’ve been being that's been keeping you from being truly happy and at peace

You're ready to take the physical world off of the pedestal and find love, joy and satisfaction in your own state of being

You welcome tough love and activating conversations because you know they’re needed to crack you open and nudge you forward towards your desired transformation

this course is


Ten audio modules, ranging from 30-60 minutes in length delivered via a private podcast feed for easy listening

Instant and lifetime access (when the program becomes available sometime in November)

Automatic access to any additions, updates or versions of How to Consciously Evolve

WHAT you'll receive

“I went through so many life shifts as soon as I started working with Kristina. Situations or changes that once would have scared me happened with such ease. Everything began to flow. Sometimes it takes the right person to shift your perspective, open your eyes and help you awaken and Kristina was this person for me. She is truly amazing at what she does and I can’t get over how much she has impacted my life.”


  • You join – YAY!

  • You receive an email with your custom link to access the private content

  • You jump into the content in the order in which it was intended and laid out 

  • You learn how to break free from your patterns, awaken to your true nature and grow massively as a being... and as a result, tap into unconditional happiness, emotional freedom and inner peace 


i'm ready


Is this a live program?

No. How to Consciously Evolve is a pre-recorded, self-led program that's held on a private podcast.

How long do I have access to the content inside?

This program includes lifetime access.

Who is HTCE for?

How to Consciously Evolve is for anyone who desires to break free from the mental-emotional patterns that have been slowing them down, holding them back and keeping them from experiencing true happiness, emotional freedom and inner peace; for anyone who is ready to truly awaken (and continue doing this work over the course of their entire lives!)

However, HTCE may not be appropriate for those who are seeking active trauma support and recovery.

What’s your refund policy?

Due to the instant and lifetime access to the content, we do not accept refunds under any circumstances. 

Additionally, if you’re using a payment plan, you are legally responsible for completing all payments, regardless of whether or not you choose to complete the program. 

With this in mind, we advise you to be incredibly intentional with your purchase, knowing that this is an investment in your growth and a financial commitment bound by the terms and conditions of our company.

To read our terms and conditions, please click here.

Have more questions? Want to make sure it’s the aligned fit before joining?

Email my support team at and they’ll be happy to assist!

You're not meant to run in circles. You're not meant to repeat old patterns from the past. You're meant to feel alive. You're meant to be free. You’re meant to live deeply in the present moment and experience true and lasting peace.